Wednesday, September 25, 2013


  Last night I went to see Kirk Cameron’s new movie Unstoppable and going into it I was honestly thinking I can’t wait to learn something new and hear something to encourage me that even in tough times there is a reason for everything that happens.  So after the movie I sat in my seat and thought well is that it isn’t he going to tell me something I didn’t already know.

   After going home and just thinking about it I realized that in this movie Kirk Cameron paints a very clear picture of the fall of man and God destroying the earth with the flood and then shares the Gospel and at first I was like really that’s all you’re going to tell me.  Then it just hit me THE GOSPEL IS ALWAYS ENOUGH!  If all that I ever know is that God sent his son to cover my sins by dying on the cross so that we could have a relationship with him then that’s enough.

  We wonder why God could let bad things happen to good people when we are going through tough times and I have thought that so many times myself.  But God loved us so much he sent his PERFECT son to die a death that I wouldn’t wish on my worst enemy just so he could have relationship with us. God knows suffering more than we can even imagine and he is God he didn’t have to experience the pain of his only son dying but he did and it was all for us.  It literally brings me to tears thinking about Gods love and grace and I am so thankful that I got the chance to go see Unstoppable and I recommend that everyone go see it!

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Launch 2013

  So I just got back from Launch which is a retreat that my church holds every Labor Day weekend and it was AMAZING!!!

  The theme was College Game Day so all 750 of us young adults were split up into team and had team events it was soooo much fun and such a good way to get to know people. Then we had free time where you could go to the pool where they had slides and all sorts of fun stuff or you could go zip lining or go to the lake.  The BEST part of this retreat by far for me was the Worship time with Shane and Shane, Bethany Dillon and Phil Wickham.  We are blessed at Watermark to have Shane and Shane lead us in worship every Tuesday night at The Porch.

    But I will never take for granted what a blessing that is to be led by them in worshiping God.  Tommy Nelson was the one bringing us the word 4 different times and each time he left me with this hunger for God’s word to read it and really know it more.  The Porch team of staff and volunteers worked so hard to make all of this fun stuff happen and for that I’m so grateful.  After worship service the first night they had a “tailgate party” where there was also a staff vs. young adult’s football game which was so much fun and they also had fireworks and games for everyone to play.  Johnny and Chachi were there of course and I don’t think Launch would have been the same without them they are always making us all laugh until we cry. 

  The second night after worship service they had a Phil Wickham concert and I was so excited that I got to be front and center for that and be blessed by his music and worship with him.  I have been such a big fan of his for so many years and he just keeps getting better. 
Check out these two videos that give you a little taste of what Launch 2013 was like this year!! :)

  I can’t put into words how truly grateful I am to be a part of a church body that has great leaders like Todd Wagner and Jonathan Pokluda that always challenge me to be in the word and to grow in my relationship with God.  Watermark has been such a blessing in my life and helped disciple me and I have never been more in love with Jesus and surrounded by such an awesome group of people.  Through being a part of Watermark I have found a group of 8 girls who have become such a big part of my life and some of my very best friends.  Todd Wagner was teaching the other night at The Porch and said that we should not fall in love with your church's building, style of music, preacher, bible studies... Fall in love with JESUS and that is 100% true.  But I have grown closer and fallen more in love with Jesus because of the teaching and love shown here at Watermark and I want others to experience that as well.

   Overall life is GREAT and I am more blessed than I deserve and I am so thankful for all the people God has put in my life and the place he has me right now in life.