Saturday, March 8, 2014

"Though You Slay Me"

  This song is a song that makes me cry every single time that I hear it because it is something that I always want to be true in my life and something I believe so much in.  Shane and Shane have always been my favorite and now that I get to see them every week at church when they lead us in signing love songs to our beautiful savior I am so much more thankful for them.
  Even in our suffering we have a beautiful, wonderful, kind and gracious God who is good and has good for us.  Our suffering and hardships are doing something and they mean something and maybe we won't see that right away what God's purpose was in our suffering but knowing that God is faithful and good we can have peace in him.

    I lead a group of 19 6th grade girls with one of my very best friends Erin and we talked about this a few weeks ago with our girls.  One of them asked "If someone dies at a very young age does that mean that they were never meant to be?" When she asked me this questions she started to cry and while my heart was breaking for her and the pain that she was feeling, I also felt such peace knowing that I could share the truth that God had a purpose for every single second of that child's life and death and that it was doing something.  That God will use this tragedy for good and can give her such peace and comfort in this time.

   My prayer is that everyone that hears this song would be encouraged the way that I am by it and that in those hard times and the times where you just can't understand why God would "let this happen" that  you would remember what a Great and Good God that we serve!

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